What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids that is identified in the cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the masses for having a wide scope of medicinal benefits – due to clinical reports and mounds of test data showing little to no side effects and a lack of psychoactivity (typically associated with marijuana products and high THC).
How does CBD work in the human body?
CBD or cannabidiol is the main active compound in hemp, and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive, so it doesn’t make people high. As you know, inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body.
The History Of Hemp
Hemp has a very vast history that cannot go unnoticed. We are very excited to be at the forefront of what we believe is the most valuable commodity to mankind.
Hemp History Facts:
- First American Flag was made from Hemp
- George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew Hemp
- Ben Franklin made Hemp paper
- The Declaration of Independence was drafted on Hemp
- Hemp was used as rope for ships, and it was a required crop in the American colonies
- Hemp has been grown for the last 12,000 years
- Hemp was used as money in the 1800’s
- You used to be jailed for NOT growing Hemp
- You can make over 25,000 products with Hemp
Cannabis Industry:
The Cannabis industry is projected to be at 50 billion by 2026. There are over 23,000 studies that show the benefits of medical cannabis for a variety of diseases and health conditions. It’s backed by an enormous body of scientific research, enthusiastic public opinion, and more progressive cannabis laws, which is giving cannabis the reputation it deserves as a groundbreaking health solution.
How Our CBD Products Work
At Hemp Worx, our CBD products utilize the full spectrum Cannabis plant mixed with Hemp Seed oil. Not all hemp is created equal. Our CBD Oil is made from NON-GMO, PESTICIDE FREE, CO2 Extracted Hemp Oil.
In our experience, a full spectrum plant gives the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) the full cannabinoid profile of CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, in order to substantiate the health claims. We have over 120 cannabinoids in our CBD formulas which perfectly inhibits the CB2 receptors in the body. Other competitors claim to have a 99% purity which is usually in the form of “Isolate” or an “Extract”. Although the purity level is higher, the body is only receiving CBD, not the full cannabinoid profile. CBD Isolate is cheaper to manufacture, and when the CBD is isolated, those products lose its effectiveness.
So what is “the Whole Plant” ?
The whole plant contains CBD, and other natural plant constituents (terpenes, sugars, flavonoids, secondary cannabinoids, etc.) that are found in all parts of hemp. When we say “whole plant” we are referring to the variety of constituents (more than 500 trace compounds) in the hemp oil itself.
As with so many aspects of this amazing plant, the answer is simple: There is no single active ingredient, no magic molecule in hemp. The many cannabinoids and compounds found in hemp work together, synergistically, to create outcomes they could not achieve on their own. Scientists call this ‘the entourage effect,” and it’s been proven over and over.
Likewise, the diverse compounds and chemicals in hemp combine and interact to create a sum that is greater than its parts. For instance, the aromatic terpenoids that give hemp its distinctive smell have been proven to block some receptors in the brain, while making it more likely for cannabinoids to bind to other receptors. Play this dynamic out across and among hemp’s hundreds of compounds, and you begin to understand why whole-plant CBD oil is more effective than single-molecule.
Our products & ingredients are all 100% natural, and nothing is Genetically Modified.
Made In The USA
Our products are all Made In The USA and our CBD Oil is harvested from our Kentucky Farms.
Our CBD and Hemp Oil is made with organic Hemp which is grown in Kentucky and is free of contaminants.
FDA Approved
Our manufacturing facility is FDA approved and our products contain less than .03% THC.
All Natural and Organic
HempWorx CBD products are made with certified organic hemp grown in Kentucky and are free of any synthetic or artificial ingredients. Our farms are 100% compliant and all of our products meet the “Federal Legal Limit” of 0.3% THC by dry weight.
100% Safe and Effective
We always get asked about safety and effectiveness. HempWorx products are safe and effective to use. We are trusted by top doctors and health professionals worldwide. Additionally, our products have been made using the purest, and most potent ingredients backed by mounds of clinical data and stability testing.
CBD Health Benefits
Mental & Brain Health
CBD affects principal cannabinoid receptors in the brain promoting a healthy state of mind.
General Health
Cannabidiol has incredible medicinal benefits and may improve overall wellness.
Healthy Balance
Cannabidiol may help restore healthy balance to the endocannabinoid system.
Learn more/Buy now: http://www.hempworx.com/cbdoilscanada
Cannabidiol (CBD) is not only a major phytocannabinoid, it is the most concentrated form from the three main cannabis plants. The three main forms to use cannabis are Hashish, Resin, & Oil.
With our Hemp Worx line, we use PCR (Phytocannabinoid) rich Hemp Seed Oil. For the first time in 1964, CBD isolation was reported and it was the beginning of cannabinoid synthetization. Originally, this synthesis started on CBG, but since CBG is present in most of the Cannabis types in small amounts, the majority of the research was concentrated on THC and CBD. Besides the Cannabinoids that are naturally occurring in nature, pharmaceutical companies have synthesized cannabinoid compounds in order to market leading drugs in the pharmaceutical market. Some of these chemically modified drugs do not have psychoactive effects, but retain some of the health benefits from the cannabinoid properties. However, some of these synthetic drugs can have a life-threatening adverse effect, or cause other issues in the human body. Phytocannabinoids, on the other hand, have been used for many years, and no life-threatening side effects have ever been reported.
Serving Suggestions
The Endocannabinoid System
Every major civilization in history has recognized hemp as #1 on its list of important plants. The ancient Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all revered hemp as an incomparable source of food and medicine. Now modern science is validating what the ancients all knew — and uncovering exciting new discoveries about hemp.
We are hard-wired with a system of cannabinoid receptors throughout our brains and bodies. When these receptors are activated, they enable two-way communication between body systems; something previously thought to be impossible.
Hemp Oil Extract Is In A Class All Its Own
More than 400 phytonutrients exist in hemp plants. Our Extraction technology allows us to extract all of these nutrients, without using any heat or harmful solvents. The result is a whole food with exceptional nutritional qualities. With Hempworx you’re getting highly sought CBD, plus the 400+ other nutrients in a naturally synergistic, easy-to-use, easy-to-absorb form. It truly is a one-of-a-kind product.
Cash in on the emerging $7.1 Billion Cannabis industry! CBD products are being used worldwide and customers get instant, life-changing results with this miracle plant. We lead the industry with an aggressive 85% commission payout. Our site is high-converting, and we’ll drop ship directly to your customers. Recession proof and no hassles!
We are a leader in the Cannabis industry providing the most powerful and potent Hemp Products on the market. Hemp Worx CBD products are made with organic hemp grown in Kentucky and are 100% free of any synthetic or artificial ingredients. According to Forbes, the Cannabis industry is expected to grow 700% by 2020.